Who are we?

The Daily Playa is a news-sheet theme camp active in Black Rock City during years 2010 to 2014 and can usually be found somewhere in the 730 sector on A/B/C.

When do we print?

Each year The Daily Playa crew create and print a news-sheet every single day except Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

How was it built?

The camp and it's crew has been assembled through the union of several other smaller non-theme camps to become, what is now, a recognized presence in BRC. In 2013 the camp had a peak occupancy of 38 individuals.

The Daily Playa is an open & inclusive camp run with principles of participation, self-expression, creativity and leave no trace.

A brief history of the camp


Theme camp established and becomes an official part of the BRC community.


Camp placed at the 7:30 keyhole.

Horoscope Steve loses psychic abilities.


First four page edition produced.

Innovative 'spiral' layout confuses burners.

Truck catches fire.


Well, another year over and The Daily Playa crew have managed it again. Two double-page editions were created and printed on-playa to an audience of several thousand copies. No major enfuckments were encountered this year and the minor ones unenfucked with relative good humour and typical burner-diligence. All limbs remained intact - despite attempted best efforts from certain camp mates - and we narrowly avoided a repetition of the great truck-fire of 2012. Luckily - and as an astute camp mate quite rightly pointed out - this year, we had Strategy. ;)


DailyPlaya goes hi-tech - printed A3 and (for the first time) printed off-playa.


Coming soon :) ...

The Daily Playa is an interactive project

We encourage submission of stories and photos and are looking for people to distribute the paper.

Finding us

Contact Details (2014)

The Daily Playa

8:00B, Black Rock City, Nevada


Historical Locations

  • 2014 - 8:00B
  • 2013 - 7:15B
  • 2012 - 7:45A
  • 2011 - 7:30Keyhole
  • 2010 - 7:30C

Opening Hours

All day, every day, 7 days a year

Back issues

An archive of our "finest" work

About us

Founder and Chief Exotic Officer

Hippie Herder & Shit Stirrer

Camp lead and Chief Editor

People & Paper Specialist Consultants

Director of Creating, Identifiying and Resolving problems

VP Engineering & Infrastructure