A news-sheet theme camp active in Black Rock City
The Daily Playa is a news-sheet theme camp active in Black Rock City during years 2010 to 2014 and can usually be found somewhere in the 730 sector on A/B/C.
Each year The Daily Playa crew create and print a news-sheet every single day except Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
The camp and it's crew has been assembled through the union of several other smaller non-theme camps to become, what is now, a recognized presence in BRC. In 2013 the camp had a peak occupancy of 38 individuals.
A brief history of the camp
Well, another year over and The Daily Playa crew have managed it again. Two double-page editions were created and printed on-playa to an audience of several thousand copies. No major enfuckments were encountered this year and the minor ones unenfucked with relative good humour and typical burner-diligence. All limbs remained intact - despite attempted best efforts from certain camp mates - and we narrowly avoided a repetition of the great truck-fire of 2012. Luckily - and as an astute camp mate quite rightly pointed out - this year, we had Strategy. ;)
We encourage submission of stories and photos and are looking for people to distribute the paper.
An archive of our "finest" work